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Version 1.4 of Overpowered Technology added 4 commands to ADDSynthCore. They are:

/addsynthcore lightning
Allows you to start and stop your own lightning storms with variables that let you customize the radius, number of lightning strikes, and delay between lightning strikes. This is not saved with the world, so if you quit the game or shutdown the server, the lightning storm will have ended.
/addsynthcore zombie_raid
Spawns zombies around you. Lets you customize how many zombies, how far away, and a time limit. This command also sets world time to night and gives you night vision. If you manage to kill all the spawned zombies you win the zombie raid. When the zombie raid is over this command tries its best to return time to what it was previously.
/addsynthcore item_explosion
Throws a bunch of items into the air and they land all around you. Allows you to specify how many items and the radius.
/addsynthcore blackout
Spawns a bunch of bats in the air.

Since these commands are new, there still could be some problems with these, so please be careful.