
Standard Worldspike

Keeps chunks in a 3x3 area loaded. Will force load chunks when you load the world. The default is to consume an Ender Pearl every 12 hours, however, this is highly configurable in the Railcraft config file. You can turn off this feature, you can specify a different duration, and you can specify another item to use a fuel. Apply a Redstone signal to turn off the World Anchor so it doesn't consume any fuel. You can combine the Standard Worldspike with a Minecart to get Worldspike Cart, which can run on rails and keep a 5x5 area chunk loaded.

Passive Worldspike

Will keep chunks loaded, only after a player has been there before.

Personal Worldspike

Keeps a 3x3 area of chunks loaded, only if the player that placed it is logged into the server. May require fuel depending on configuration settings.

You can craft the Personal Worldspike together with a Minecart to get the Personal Worldspike Cart.

Worldspike Point

Use a CrowbarCrowbar to pair the Worldspike Point to a Worldspike. Once the two are paired, they will only keep the chunks between them loaded, up to a maximum of 25 chunks. The fuel requirements will adjust accordingly.