The Iron Saw is part of Forge Microblocks.

Sandy Coal Compound

Sand Sand Sand Crafting Arrow Sandy Coal Compound
Sand Block of Coal Sand
Sand Sand Sand

Silicon Boule

Sandy Coal Compound Smelting Arrow Silicon Boule
Furnace Flame

Silicon (x8)

Iron Saw Crafting Arrow Silicon
Silicon Boule

Red Silicon Compound

Redstone Redstone Redstone Crafting Arrow Red Silicon Compound
Redstone Silicon Redstone
Redstone Redstone Redstone

Infused Silicon

Red Silicon Compound Smelting Arrow Infused Silicon
Furnace Flame

Silicon Chip

Infused Silicon Crafting Arrow Silicon Chip
Circuit Plate Circuit Plate Circuit Plate

Glowing Silicon Compound

Glowstone Dust Glowstone Dust Glowstone Dust Crafting Arrow Glowing Silicon Compound
Glowstone Dust Silicon Glowstone Dust
Glowstone Dust Glowstone Dust Glowstone Dust

Energized Silicon

Glowing Silicon Compound Smelting Arrow Infused Silicon
Furnace Flame

Energized Silicon Chip

Energized Silicon Crafting Arrow Energized Silicon Chip
Circuit Plate Circuit Plate Circuit Plate

Electrotine Silicon Compound

Electrotine Electrotine Electrotine Crafting Arrow Electrotine Silicon Compound
Electrotine Silicon Electrotine
Electrotine Electrotine Electrotine

Electro Silicon

Electrotine Silicon Compound Smelting Arrow Infused Silicon
Furnace Flame