Note: At the time of writing this (September 16, 2017) Biomes O' Plenty trees do not work with these machines.


Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Planter
Flower Pot Piston Flower Pot
Factory Machine Block

The planter must be placed under the ground, and must be powered with RF Energy. Insert a supply of Seeds or Saplings and it will use RF Energy to auto-plant in the 3x3 area above the machine. Insert a Machine upgrade to increase the Radius. Place items in the filter slots to only plant in that area of the Planter.


Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Harvester
Golden Axe Shears Golden Axe
Factory Machine Block

Place this machine next to your garden and rotate it so it is facing your garden. The Harvester uses RF Energy to harvest your crops and trees and places them in an adjacent inventory, pipe, or conveyor belt. The Harvester mines tree leaves as though you were mining them by hand, so the Harvester also collects Apples.

Continued use of this machine will build up Sludge. The Harvester will not work if it is full of Sludge, so transport it out. Sludge is used in the Sludge Boiler machine.


Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Fertilizer
Leather Glass Bottle Leather
Factory Machine Block

Once again, place this machine against and facing towards your garden. When powered with RF Energy, this machine uses Industrial Fertilizer (or similar Fertilizer from other mods) to grow your plants.

Industrial Fertilizer (x16)

Wheat Bone Meal Wheat Crafting Arrow Industrial Fertilizer
String Stick String
Wheat Bone Meal Wheat

Can only be used in the Fertilizer machine to fertilize your plants.

Sludge Boiler

Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Sludge Boiler
Furnace Furnace Furnace
Factory Machine Block

This machine turns Sludge into common blocks, and places them in an adjacent inventory. Sludge comes from the Harvester machine. This machine must be connected to a source of power. While running this machine produces a poisonous gas cloud around the machine which will affect any mob or player in the area of effect. This machine produces Dirt, Gravel, Clay, Soul Sand, Stone, and other similar blocks.


Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Composter
Piston Furnace Piston
Factory Machine Block

This machine takes in Sewage from the Sewer and creates Industrial Fertilizer for the Fertilizer machine. This machine must be connected to a power source.

Fruit Picker

Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Fruit Picker
Shears Golden Axe Shears
Factory Machine Block

The only use I've discovered for this machine so far, is that it auto-mines things that are growing on trees. So this machine will most-likely be used to mine Cocoa Beans off of Jungle Trees.