
Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Fisher
Fishing Rod Fishing Rod Fishing Rod
Bucket Factory Machine Block Bucket

Auto-Fishes from water. Place directly above a 3x3 area of Water. This machine must be connected to a source of power to work. After that the machine will then fish things out of the water and puts them in an adjacent inventory. Insert a Fishing Rod to make the Fisher work faster, but this depletes the durability of the Fishing Rod.

Weather Collector

Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Weather Collecter
Iron Bars Iron Bars Iron Bars
Bucket Factory Machine Block Bucket

This machine collects water when it's raining, and collects snowballs when it's snowing. This machine must be powered to function. Snowballs will either pop out as an item, or be placed in an adjacent inventory. I'm not sure what this block does when its in a Desert, probably nothing.

Lava Fabricator

Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Lava Fabricator
Obsidian Blaze Rod Obsidian
Magma Cream Factory Machine Block Magma Cream

This machine uses energy to produce lava, very slowly.


Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Auto Anvil
Anvil Anvil Anvil
Factory Machine Block

Only meant to automate the function of the Anvil. Insert your tools and repair material like you would with a standard Anvil. This machine requires Energy and Mob Essence.

Deep Storage Unit

Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Deep Storage Unit
Ender Pearl Ender Pearl Ender Pearl
Eye of Ender Factory Machine Block Eye of Ender

This block is used to store items. It can store only 1 type of item, but it can store as much as you want. If the Deep Storage Unit is mined, the items stay with the block.


Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Auto-Brewer
Plastic Pipe Brewing Stand Plastic Pipe
Redstone Comparator Factory Machine Block Redstone Comparator

Insert potion ingredients and Water Bottls and it will begin brewing potions. This probably must be connected to a source of power.


Plastic Sheets Iron Bars Plastic Sheets Crafting Arrow Fountain
Plastic Sheets Iron Bars Plastic Sheets
Bucket Factory Machine Block Bucket

Connect an energy wire for a source of power, and a fluid pipe for a source of liquid. Will spawn source blocks of the liquid that you supplied above the Fountain. Insert Upgrade Cards to increase the height and width of the fountain.

Apparently there are some liquids that are supposed to evaporate in special situations (biome perhaps?), so the Fountain will check if a liquid is supposed to vaporize and never spawn source liquid blocks and just eat through your supply of liquid. When I tested the Fountain (January 24, 2018), Water vaporizes, but the Fountain does spawn Lava source blocks above it.