Plant Sower

Insert seeds or sapplings and this machine will plant them on the ground. This machine must be placed below the ground and must be connected to a source of energy.

By default it only works in a 1x1 area, but this can be increased by inserting a Range Addon.

After inserting the items you wish to plant, you can lock the inventory to ensure that only those items get inserted.

Plant Gatherer

This will harvest fully grown plants and trees, each time generating a bit of Sludge. The Sludge can be piped to be used in the Sludge Refiner. This machine will continue to work even if it's full of sludge.

Leaf Shearing Addon

This Addon can be inserted into the Plant Gatherer to program it to harvest Leaf blocks.

Plant Fertilizer

Place this machine near and facing towards your garden. Supply this machine with energy and fertilizer and this machine will help your plants grow. Accepted fertilizers are Bone Meal or Industrial Foregoing's Fertilizer.

Sewage Composter

When supplied with 2 buckets worth of Sewage, this machine will produce Fertilizer, which can be used to help plants and sapplings grow just like Bonemeal.