ME Toggle Bus

Attach to the inside of cables. Turns on devices when supplied with a Redstone signal. Make inverted by crafting itself.

ME Import Bus

Pulls items from the inventory it is pointed at and places them into the ME Storage Network. You can specify which items it will pull by using the User Interface. If no items are specified it will try to pull out any item from the adjacent inventory. Requires a channel to function.

ME Export Bus

The ME Export Bus extracts items from the ME Storage Network and places them into the inventory it faces. You must configure which items to export. Requires a channel to function.

ME Interface

The ME Interface acts as an in between when working with pipes, tubes, networks, or machines from other mods. The ME Interface is the only component which can be used as a part, or as a Block. Crafting an ME interface in either form by itself produces the other form. The thin form is useful if you want to provide several different interfaces in a single block of physical space, but each will need its own channel. The block form lets multiple other blocks connect to a single ME interface, using only one channel for the interface.

ME Storage Bus

Attach to the sides of blocks with an inventory and you will be able to access that inventory as though it were part of your ME Storage Network. Requires an available channel on your network.

ME Level Emitter

Specify an item to check for, then specify an amount to check. Will emit a Redstone signal if the amount of the item stored in your system is above or below the amount that you specified. Requires a channel to function.

ME Storage Monitor

You can only interact with the ME Storage Monitor when it is unlocked. Right-click with an item in hand to have the ME Storage Monitor display how much of that item is stored in the ME Storage Network. Right-click with an empty hand to reset the ME Storage Monitor. Right-click with a wrench to lock and unlock it.

ME Conversion Monitor

Works just like the ME Storage Monitor but with additional functionality. You can directly store and withdrawl items from the ME Storage Network. When unlocked, Shift Right-click to put an item into the ME Storage Network. Shift Double Right-click to put all of that item in the ME Storage Network. When locked, Right-click to have the ME Storage Network give you a stack of the item displayed.