Master Calculator

First release of the Master Calculator program on January 14, 2019. We only have a Windows version, and only the Calculator portion works. Download:

From a programming perspective, I've always wanted to do a project like this. A powerful program that acts as a scientific calculator, that also does interactive graphing capabilities, be able to define your own data such as variables, constants, and functions. Be able to use defined constants such as PI, Avegadro's number, Planck's constant, and the Golden Ratio. I eventually want to replicate a lot of the features of the Desmos Online Graph. And also have built-in definitions of nearly all math concepts and terms. I also want a formulas section that has the Quadratic formula so all you have to do is enter the inputs and it provides the answers. Other formulas could include areas of geometric shapes, a Ratio solver, and formulas to convert one type of measurement into another, such as Degrees to Radians, Celsius to Fahrenheit, Inches to Centimeters, or Days to Seconds.

I stopped working once I got the Calculator working (because that in itself is a great achievement. The expression interpreter is the core that processes all input for the rest of the program.) So right now only the calculator works. You can use numbers and decimals. The calculator can handle parenthesis, arithmetic operators (+ - * / and % for modulo), comparison operators (< > <= >= == !=), logic operators (&& ||), and the ^ symbol for exponents.

I'll be sure to add graphing capabilities to the Master Calculator program before I release the next version. And in the extremely distant future I also plan on eventually removing the dependance on Unity so it runs in bare-bones C# / .NET code.