Before you begin downloading and playing my games, there's a few things you should know first.

Most of the games were made using a program called Game Maker 8. It was released in 2008 by yoyogames no longer supports Game Maker 8, the current version of their software is Game Studio and I don't want to use that. I'm currently teaching myself how to use the Unity game engine, and once I do that I'll port all my games over to Unity.

This is the only location you should be downloading these games.

There may be some sounds and music in these games that were 'borrowed' from other video games. I didn't have as much resources as I do now back when I started using Game Maker. I do to intend to replace them eventually. I'm asking the community to help me in this matter and submit their own replacement sounds to be used to avoid legal matters. You will be credited.

I have experienced a minor issue in multiple web browsers. If the screenshot seems squished, just refresh the page.